States & Sex Ratio (Females per Thousand Males)

Sl NoStateYear 1951Year 1961Year 1971Year 1981Year 1991Year 2001 Year 2011
1. Andhra Pradesh986 981977975 972978993
2. Arunachal Pradesh- 894861862 859893938
3. Assam868 869896910 923935958
4. Bihar1,000 1,005957948 907919918
5. Chhattisgarh1,024 1,008998996 985989991
6. Goa1,128 1,066981975 967961973
7. Gujarat952 940934942 934920919
8. Haryana871 868867870 865861879
9. Himachal Pradesh912 938958973 976968972
10. Jammu and Kashmir873 878878892 896892889
11. Jharkhand961 960945940 922941948
12. Karnataka966 959957963 960965973
13. Kerala1,028 1,0221,0161,032 1,0361,0581,084
14. Madhya Pradesh945 932920921 912919931
15. Maharashtra941 936930937 934922929
16. Manipur1,036 1,015980971 958978992
17. Meghalaya949 937942954 955972989
18. Mizoram1,041 1,009946919 921935976
19. Nagaland999 933871863 886900931
20. Odisha1,022 1,001988981 971972979
21. Punjab844 854865879 882876895
22. Rajasthan921 908911919 910921928
23. Sikkim907 904863835 878875890
24. Tamil Nadu1,007 992978977 974987996
25. Tripura904 932943946 945948960
26. Uttar Pradesh908 907876882 876898912
27. Uttarakhand940 947940936 936962963
28. West Bengal865 878891911 917934950

Union Territories & Sex Ratio (Females per Thousand Males)

Sl NoUnion TerritoryYear 1951Year 1961Year 1971Year 1981Year 1991 Year 2001Year 2011
1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands625 617644760 818846876
2. Chandigarh781 652749769 790777818
3. Dadra and Nagar Haveli946 9631,007974 952812774
4. Daman and Diu1,125 1,1691,0991,062 968710618
5. Delhi768 785801808 827821868
6. Lakshadweep1,043 1,020978975 943948947
7. Puducherry1,030 1,013989985 9791,0011,037

1. In Arunachal Pradesh, the census was conducted for the first time in 1961.
2. The 1981 Census could not be held in Assam. Total Population for 1981 has been worked out by Interpolation.
3. The 1991 Census could not be held in Jammu and Kashmir. Total Population for 1991 has been worked out by Interpolation.
4. Manipur figures include estimated population for those of the three sub-divisions viz., Mao Maram, Paomata and Purul of Senapati district of Manipur as census result of 2001 in these three sub-divisions were cancelled due to technical and administrative reasons.
5. Efforts have been made to cover newly created States, wherever possible.
6. All sex ratio figuers are females per thousand males.
Source: Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.